Thursday, January 6, 2011

i'm sentimental at heart

i saw a request in alchemy on etsy (this is where you put custom requests for vendors to "bid" on) there was a bride that wanted a flower created out the lace used on her mom's hat from when she was married to wear in her hair on her wedding day. awwwwwwwwwwwwww, i LOVE that!! something old will be used to create something NEW. i placed a bid and the bride picked me! YAY! i asked her if she would like a purse also with a flower attached made from her moms lace. she said she didn't need one BUT she thought it would be great to make one for her mom...double awwwwwwwww!! i'm awaiting the arrival of the hat so i can get started. here's a pic of the flower example i sent her.